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Amazing Grace

Words: John Newton 1779 & Music: Virginia Harmony 1831

Verse 1
A-mazing Grace, How Sweet The Sound,
That Saved A Wretch Like Me.
I Once Was Lost, But Now Am Found,
Was Blind, But Now I See.

Verse 2
‘Twas Grace That Taught My Heart To Fear,
And Grace My Fears Re-lieved;
How Precious Did That Grace A-ppear
The Hour I First Be-lieved.

Verse 3
Thro’ Many Dangers, Toils And Snares,
I Have Already Come;
‘Tis Grace That Brought Me Safe Thus Far,
And Grace Will Lead Me Home.

Verse 4
When We’ve Been There Ten Thousand Years,
Bright Shining As The Sun,
We’ve No Less Days To Sing God’s Praise
That When We First Be-gun.

Verse 5: Praise God