Hit Somebody
(Football Sports Song)

(C,*? 4/4 T120 R???(DR) 2:00 L?-H?) ©2007 Michael Thomas (©05/12/07, v1 ©05/12/07)

Chorus: (8 bars)

C             . (Chant)
Hit Somebody, Hit Somebody
.             . (Chant)
Hit Somebody, Hit Somebody
.                      . (Chant)
Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit ... Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit,
.             . (Chant)
Hit Somebody, Hit Somebody

Verse 1: (8 bars)
Getcha some of this. Getcha some of this.
Getcha some of this. Getcha some of this.
        (Chant)                    (Chant)
Getcha, Getcha, Getcha, Getcha ... Getcha, Getcha, Getcha, Getcha
Getcha some of this. Getcha some of this.

Verse 2: (8 bars)
.                    (Chant)
You don't want this. You don't want this.
.                    (Chant)
You don't want this. You don't want this.
You, You, You, You ... You, You, You, You,
.                    (Chant)
You don't want this. You don't want this.

Verse 3: (8 bars)
.                (Chant) 
Put me in coach, Put me in coach
.                (Chant) 
Put me in coach, Put me in coach
     (Chant)           (Chant)
Put, Put, Put, Put ... Put, Put, Put, Put
.                (Chant) 
Put me in coach, Put me in coach