General Test Questions

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# Question
1 Which individual was the primary developer of the Java language at Sun Microsystems in California? (Choose one).

A. Bill Gates
B. James Gosling
C. James Taylor
D. None of the above

2 The Java language was originally called:
(Choose one)

A. Oak
B. Tree
C. Bean
D. None of the above
3 The original intent of the Java language was to write programs for:
(Choose all that apply)

A. The internet
B. Mainframe computers
C. Consumer Electronics devices
D. None of the above
4 To run a Java application (ie: Java class) you need to install a JRE which provides the JVM.   Browsers also use the same JVM to run Java Applets.  (Assume the Browser does not have a Java PlugIn installed.)
(Choose one)

5 True information for reference:  Cobol, Fortran, Basic, and C are procedural languages.  C++ added support for object-oriented programming which allows it to support both procedural and object-oriented programming.  Stimula and Smalltalk are purely object-oriented languages.
Test Question: Which statements about the Java language are true?
(Choose one)

A. Java is like C++.  It supports both procedural and object-oriented programming
B. Java is only a procedural language. 
C. Java is only an Object-Oriented.
D. None of the above.

6 Which statements is correct about Objects?
(Choose all that apply)

A. An Object is an instance of a class.
B. Objects can access both instance and static data
C. All classes extend the Object class.
D. Objects do not need to be declared.

7 What year was Java introduced to the programming community?
(Choose one)

A.  1985
B.  2000
C. 1995
D. None of the above

8 Which of the following statements is true?
(Choose all that apply)

A. AWT represents "Abstract Windowing Toolkit" which is a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
B. JRE represents "Java Runtime Environment"
C. JVM represents "Java Virtual Machine"
D. JDK represents "Java Development Kit"

9 Which statements are true about Java Applets vs Java Applications?
(Choose all that apply)

A. The appletviewer program can run a Java Applet class without an html file.
B. A Java Application is run by a JRE, which is install on a computer,  that provides the JVM.
C. Browsers provide their own JVM and do not use the Operation Systems JVM.
D. You must have a JRE installed for the Browser to be able to run an Applet inside of an html file.

10 Which statements is true about the JavaSoft directory.
(Choose all that apply)

A. This is a directory Sun creates during the JRE install for Windows platforms.
B. This directory is located under the JDK/SDK install.
C. This directory is located under the "Program Files" directory for Windows platforms.
D. None of the above.

11 Which statements is true about the directory: C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\Jre\1.3.1\lib\ext
(Choose all that apply)

A. This directory was created in the JDK/SDK Windows install.
B. Directory is designed to hold custom .jar files so you can extend the Java libraries.
C. With JDK1.2 you must always set the CLASSPATH to use .jar files just like JDK1.1.
D. None of the above.

12 Which statements is true about the directory: c:\JDK1.3\jre\lib\ext
(Choose all that apply)

A. This directory was created when the JDK/SDK was installed on a Windows platform.
B. Directory is designed to hold custom .jar files so you can extend the Java libraries.
C. This directory  was created when the JRE was installed on a Windows platform.
D. None of the above.

13 Which of the following statements is true about the Java API
(Choose all that apply)

A.  Was created by Sun using the JavaDoc program.
B.  You can search for classes or methods.
C.  API stands for "Application Program Interface".
D.  None of the above.