P3 Test Questions

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# Question
1 To create a Window in a Java Application that is compatible with JDK 1.2 you can extend what class(es)?
(Choose all that apply)

A. JFrame
B. Window
C. JWindow
D. None of the above

2 Which of the following statements is true?
(Choose all that apply)

A. java.awt.Frame is apart of the AWT (JDK1.1) technology.
B. javax.swing.JFrame is apart of the Swing (JDK1.2) technology.
C. The Swing (GUI) technology enhanced the old AWT (GUI) technology
D. None of the above

3 Which of the following statements is true about Swing.?
(Choose all that apply)

A. Swing components, like JOptionPane, can be place in a frame that extends java.awt.Frame.
B. Swing components, like JOptionPane, can be placed in a frame that extends javax.swing.JFrame
C. Swing components existed in JDK 1.1
D. None of the above